Are There Blind Spots in Holland?
January 30, 2022
All Holland drivers have blind spots and no, I'm not talking about the fact that you really don't sing like Adele. I mean the areas of the road that you can't see when you're driving around Holland.First let's talk about our own blinds spots, and then we can talk about others...To begin, we ca... More

Getting from E to F (Fuel Gauge Problems)
January 23, 2022
Who thinks about their fuel gauge? You probably don't until it doesn't work any more. Then you have to guess how much fuel is in your tank, and that's no way to live life on the road. Fuel gauges, like every other part in your vehicle, can fail. And when yours stops working, you will probably... More

The Importance of Holland Drivers Following Service Intervals
January 16, 2022
Today in our Tuffy Holland blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Holland with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How about laundry, watering the la... More

Something to Latch On To (Hood Latch Safety)
January 9, 2022
The other day, a driver was trying to open his vehicle's hood so he could add some windshield washer fluid. But when he pulled the hood release inside the car, nothing happened. Usually, opening any hood is a 2-step process. You pull the hood release (which is usually a handle under the dashbo... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down Around Holland
January 2, 2022
There's not much we can do about the price of gas in Holland, Michigan, but we do quite a bit about how much we use as we're driving on our Holland streets.Our driving habits can dramatically affect our fuel economy.The first thing we can do is watch the 'go-pedal.' Hard acceleration just sucks t... More

Don't Do It Yourself (Perils of DIY Vehicle Repair)
January 1, 2022
Your vehicle is a complicated machine, and yes, it would be nice if you could take care of all of its problems yourself. There was a time when vehicles were simpler and it wasn't too hard for a weekend mechanic to replace brakes, adjust a carburetor or perform a tune-up. But vehicles are far mo... More